Warming Heart Massage salve - 4 oz.
Warming Heart Massage salve - 4 oz.
Warming Heart Massage salve offers support for tired muscles and nerves, while softening and nourishing the skin. I originally made this anti-inflammatory formula as a salve to support my own recurring headaches, neck, shoulder, hand, and forearm tension from desk job work.
This plant formula additionally employs the use of a few powerful and plentiful nervine plants, i.e. lemon balm and lavender, making it a fantastic self-soothing salve to apply to parts of the body that experience nervous system activation from stress and trauma. Contains: sunflower oil, grapeseed oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter, shea butter, beeswax, comfrey, calendula, mugwort, arnica, lavender, frankincense, chickweed, lemon balm, hemp grade CBD, and essential oil blend.
All ingredients, excluding some components of the essential oil blend, are certified organic. This product is made with a cold oil solar and lunar infusion, and contains organic hemp grade CBD. Plant formula includes traditional anti-inflammatory and metaphysical properties intended to soothe tired muscles and nerves. Local plants are utilized wherever possible.
External use only. Due to the inclusion of arnica flower, please avoid applying product on broken skin, bug bites, or open wounds.
Disclosure statement: This product is intended for educational purposes only. It has not been evaluated by the FDA. Ingredients not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical conditions.